Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Taking it apart...

On Saturday 5/21, I officially began to take apart parts of the engine so I can replace the timing belt. I was able to get various covers off and I think I am pleased to find out that the valves may not be bent after all. The camshaft turns easily and all of the spring caps are returning to the completely closed position, or so I hope.
The crankshaft turns well also...a good sign for sure. The water pump does not turn which is not good to the tune of about $200. The alternator is also seized but that is just a Chrysler part and can be gotten cheap. The a/c compressor is also stuck but that is no surprise. Next I have to get the crank pulley off so I can get the new belt on the lower gear and then the rest of the gears. If that all goes well, I can proceed with the compression test and leak down test to see if the piston rings are okee dokee.
Front of the engine:
 The camshaft in the head:

What an adventure, perhaps.

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